Refund and Returns Policy
Return Policy
We think that for our consumers to have the finest online shopping experience possible, they should be completely happy with their purchase. So, if for any reason you're unhappy with your purchase, please use our simple self-service return procedure. Please carefully read our entire Return Policy before making any returns as they must comply with them.
Refund Policy
To process your refund, please give us 3-5 business days after we receive your return. Once your refund is processed, you will receive an email to let you know. maintains the right to reject returns, withhold refunds, and/or impose restocking fees on any item that doesn't meet the aforementioned specifications.
30 Day Return Policy.
You can return items for a full refund, minus shipping costs, during the first 30 days following your purchase.
Products that are being returned or exchanged must be completely unused, in mint condition, and include all of the original manufacturer's packaging, materials, and extras, such as instruction manuals, packing inserts, and blank warranty cards.
Please empty the box of any extraneous pre-existing labels.
It is not possible to return goods that don't have the original Universal Product Code (UPC). Within an outer shipment box, place the labeled packaging from the original manufacturer. Please don't mark up the packing from the manufacturer with writing, stickers, or shipping labels.
Please submit an online return request or get in touch with us right away if a product is received damaged or incorrectly; we will take all reasonable steps to address the situation. Only if we are informed in advance of the return will we pay for the shipment.
Non returnable items
The following items cannot be returned after they have been opened.
Anything that has been taken out of its "blister-pack," including software, film, paper, DVDs, bulbs, flash tubes, batteries, ink cartridges, notebooks, netbooks, tablets, iPads, and computers, as well as memory cards.
Once toner has been placed, printers cannot be returned.
Once used in water, underwater equipment cannot be returned.
Oversize Return Policy
As long as they adhere to our usual return policies, oversized items that must transport via truck are returnable. The consumer is responsible for covering the cost of return shipping. If a package is returned after it has been dispatched, the return shipping costs will be subtracted from the total refund.
It will be necessary to return an oversize item to the manufacturer if it was shipped from them directly. Please get in touch with us ahead of time, and we'll help arrange the return.
Return Policy
Return Policy
We think that for our consumers to have the finest online shopping experience possible, they should be completely happy with their purchase. So, if for any reason you're unhappy with your purchase, please use our simple self-service return procedure. Please carefully read our entire Return Policy before making any returns as they must comply with them.
Refund Policy
To process your refund, please give us 3-5 business days after we receive your return. Once your refund is processed, you will receive an email to let you know. maintains the right to reject returns, withhold refunds, and/or impose restocking fees on any item that doesn't meet the aforementioned specifications.
30 Day Return Policy.
You can return items for a full refund, minus shipping costs, during the first 30 days following your purchase.
Products that are being returned or exchanged must be completely unused, in mint condition, and include all of the original manufacturer's packaging, materials, and extras, such as instruction manuals, packing inserts, and blank warranty cards.
Please empty the box of any extraneous pre-existing labels.
It is not possible to return goods that don't have the original Universal Product Code (UPC). Within an outer shipment box, place the labeled packaging from the original manufacturer. Please don't mark up the packing from the manufacturer with writing, stickers, or shipping labels.
Please submit an online return request or get in touch with us right away if a product is received damaged or incorrectly; we will take all reasonable steps to address the situation. Only if we are informed in advance of the return will we pay for the shipment.
Non returnable items
The following items cannot be returned after they have been opened.
Anything that has been taken out of its "blister-pack," including software, film, paper, DVDs, bulbs, flash tubes, batteries, ink cartridges, notebooks, netbooks, tablets, iPads, and computers, as well as memory cards.
Once toner has been placed, printers cannot be returned.
Once used in water, underwater equipment cannot be returned.
Oversize Return Policy
As long as they adhere to our usual return policies, oversized items that must transport via truck are returnable. The consumer is responsible for covering the cost of return shipping. If a package is returned after it has been dispatched, the return shipping costs will be subtracted from the total refund.
It will be necessary to return an oversize item to the manufacturer if it was shipped from them directly. Please get in touch with us ahead of time, and we'll help arrange the return.